Social and Environmental Education
ISAPSEE consists of a pedagogical and participatory method, developed from the transfer of its own social technology, based on research and practices, which applies social and environmental education in schools with focus on communities, through the construction and multiplication of practical actions, which promote aware and multiplying citizens, promoting awareness, reflection and dialogue.
The system aims to solve social, economical and environmental local problems, in a participatory and autonomous way, planning actions with the municipal public management to promote public policies on health, education, environment, infrastructure and social action, observing the current legislation as the Environmental Education National Policy, the Environmental Education National Program and the Solid Waste National Policy, aiming sustainability of procedures in promoting the improvement of quality of life through social and environmental awareness, citizenship and changing habits.
Where ISAPSEE is applied?
North: Manaus State;
Northeast: Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia and Maranhão States.
Midwest: Mato Grosso and Goiás State.
Southeast: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro States.
South: Paraná State.
How is ISAPSEE applied?
Semester modules aimed at elementary, middle and high school.
What is the public of ISAPSEE?
States and Municipalities: Departments of Education, Environment, Health, Social Action and Infrastructure - School staff - Students - Families - Communities.
How does ISAPSEE work?
Social technology transfer to:
Application of social and environmental education in schools and communities, implementation of public policies, mobilization of communities to face local social and environmental negative impacts.
Some topics covered by ISAPSEE
Application of social and environmental diagnosis, Solid Waste National Policy, Recyclable toy library, Environmental health, Healthy eating, Campaigns, Citizenship, Conscious consumption, Water, Energy, Gardens, Reforestation, etc.
Application methodology
Social and environmental diagnosis, Qualification and monitoring workshops, Pedagogical support material, Practical and theoretical activities in schools and communities, Technical and pedagogical monitoring, Monitoring and evaluation, Certification.
Some intended results
Identification of negative impacts - planning of actions to face local impacts - Implementation of sustainable practices in schools and their communities - Selective collection - Reduction of waste generation through conscious consumption - Alignment with social and environmental policies, treaties and agreements practiced in the country and internationally - Observation and adequacy to current education policies - Implementation and maintenance of social and environmental public policies through the active participation of communities - Formation of aware and multiplying citizens - Reduction of consumption of natural resources - Production of organic food and awareness of food security - Reduction of costs in schools and homes - Improving the environment and school performance - Active participation of municipal or state management with their communities in social and environmental issues - Providing channels of interaction between the Institute, school and municipal or state management, etc.
Certification and Assignment of Seals.