Environmental Certification

Green Seal
O PROCERT - Certification Program for Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility is a social and environmental certification granted to institutions that seek sustainability in all their businesses and that prove to their partners that they apply in their actions, management or products, solutions that encompass the environment social and economic.
To participate in the program, the institution goes through a certification process that includes evaluation through a questionnaire, documentary structure and on-site technical visit, which will result in a final technical report. Criterias analyzed involve the sustainability policy implemented in the institution, social and environmental management.
For the analysis of the evaluation questionnaire indicators, the degree of natural resources use and the pollution potential are taken into account, according to Brazilian law 10.165/2000, and as parameters of the evaluation criteria it is take into account: internal and external social actions; management of energy, water and solid waste; environmental, social and business management; legislation, biodiversity conservation, among others.
The institution that is approved in PROCERT, gains the right to use the Green Seal, valid for one year, being renewable after that period through a new process that will evaluate the institution. Certification and its dissemination constitute an important mechanism for positive interference in environmental quality, respect for life and social justice. The Technical Report is the document elaborated by professionals with experience in the areas of Environmental Engineering, Forest Engineering, Environmental Management, Law, Pedagogy, Biology, among other areas that contribute to achieving results when it comes to sustainability.
The participating institution, in case of failure, may enroll in the next edition of the program, being evaluated again. As a guideline measure, the institution will receive the Adequacy Report, which will state what adjustments the institution must make to achieve the necessary score.

Social Environmental Action

Environmentally Correct Product

Ecoturismo Sustentável

Renewable energy

Eco-Friendly Product

Responsible Environmental Management

Sustainable Enterprise

Health centers
Social and Environmental Marketing, through the use of green seal in enterprise products and/or social networks, internal and external campaigns, packaging, printed material, reports and etc.;
The seal certifies that the company, institution, action, case or product, experiences aspects of sustainability, adding positive value to its actions, brands, products and services and its use helps the consumer market to distinguish good practices of social and environmental responsibility, being a conscious attitude and respect for the life of future generations and the preservation of environment, including adding value to the export market;
Consumer recognition for the commitment to sustainability;
Improvement of processes through the recommendations of the Technical Report;
The Technical Report indicates the current situation of sustainability in the economic, social and environmental areas, obtaining a significant analysis, providing the company with:
Continuous improvements;
Costs reduction;
Promotion of human development;
Image valorization with its Stakeholders and much more.
Certified Institutions will be able to participate of Chico Mendes Sustainability Forum, a space for enterprisings, managers and entrepreneurs who care about our common home to deep their knowledge within the themes proposed in each event, with speakers who stand out in the sector and contribute to the formation of an increasingly sustainable society.
Social and Environmental Management in the Brazilian Navy
The Navy Hydrography Base, in Niterói/RJ, acts as a Military Organization Providing Special Services. It maintains electronic, communication and nautical signaling equipments along the Brazilian coast to carry out repairs of 1st and 2nd levels of technical material in the supply line of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, and to perform printing and distribution services of cartographic documents and of navigation assistment.
Technicolor - Green Factory
Technicolor is an example in the social and environmental area, with a project called “Green Factory”. The company stands out in actions to reduce energy and water consumption and waste recovery.
"Life on Planet Earth will only have quality for everyone depending on our concrete involvement with environmental issues. This commitment is ensured in Brazilian Federal Constitution on article 225.
However competent, what enriches an institution the most is the possibility of planning, coordinating and executing a work in partnership. There is nothing more rewarding than solidarity and cooperation in the face of actions that transform the quality of life of population.
It is an effective work of social and environmental responsibility that, when investing in people, positively interferes so that we have a fairer and humane society with environmental quality. There is nothing more rewarding than solidarity and cooperation to achieve sustainability.
Green Greetings"
Executive comission